Friday, February 5, 2010

Pat Parelli has released this new DVD as an introduction to his natural horsemanship program.

Pat demonstrates his incredible understanding of horses when working for the first time with a horse called Midas. He explains the five zones of the horse’s body followed by an introduction to the first three of Parelli’s seven games. We see Pat assessing Midas as a personality and then using the games to form a relationship.

The DVD culminates with Midas loading into a trailer.

As Pat explains his processes everything seems to fall into place and when watching there were certainly times when I squirmed with guilt at how I may have misunderstood my horse’s behaviour in the past.

This is a great DVD for anyone just wishing to dip a toe into the world of Parelli before jumping in at the deep end. Retailing at around £20 it is a great Christmas gift for any long suffering horse owner.

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